Ministries - Liturgy

NEEDED…stewards who are eager to serve at the mass you normally attend. You would need to know how to open a Power Point presentation and to advance the slides used during mass. These slides will be seen on the monitors throughout the church, for the expressed purpose of promoting participation by parishioners through song and prayer. If you are interested in serving in this new and important ministry, please contact Deacon Ron Arnold at or 760 207-3201 so a thorough explanation and trial practice can be scheduled.

ALSO NEEDED…stewards who have some basic computers skills regarding simple page layout combining photos and captions. You would need to have a computer and an email address. After receiving the photos and captions from parishioners, you would than use your page layout skills to create a “Life in the Parish” page to be used on the Parish Website and as a bulletin insert. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact Deacon Ron Arnold at or 760 207-3201.

Food is being sold in the Fr. Ullman Hall following all the Sunday Masses. Please join our parish family in breaking bread together. All proceeds will go to assist in paying off the Capital Campaign debt quicker.

Workshop for Liturgical Ministers


LIT-Events_(Rev. 2-2011)

Art and Environment
Volunteers help to decorate and prepare the Church environment for the various liturgical seasons by helping to design, arrange and maintain seasonal decorations and plants.

Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers assist at weekend and holiday Masses in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.  Training for this very important Ministry is provided and volunteers are scheduled on a rotating basis.

Ministry of Hospitality
A group of dedicated Ushers assist at weekend and holiday Masses by welcoming and helping to seat Parishioners, taking up the collection, facilitating the Communion line and distributing bulletins.  The Ministry is open to all men and women who are at least 16 years old.  Training is provided and volunteers are scheduled on a rotating basis.

Proclaimers of the Word Readers/Lectors
At each celebration of the Eucharist trained Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings to the Christian community that has gathered to worship and to hear the Word of God. Good readers of all ages who have completed their Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are invited to join this Ministry.
Volunteers are scheduled on a rotating quarterly basis.

Altar Server
Altar Servers are young boys and girls who have made their first Communion and who assist the priest at Mass. This ministry is open to fully initiated adults, practicing their Catholic faith.

Be a part of our liturgical celebrations by being responsible for preparing elements for an assigned mass, (i.e. setting out vessels, wine, host, and washing vessels after mass). Contact the Liturgy Office for additional information. .


Christian Funeral Ministry
The funeral ministry provides options and guidance for the family regarding types of services, dates and times, and liturgy and music. Call the parish office, 760-945-8000.

Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage is the sacrament by which Christ Jesus joins a man and a woman in a life-giving and permanent union. In the Catholic faith, marriage is considered a sacrament-sign made sacred by Christ to show His presence in the world and to help all people reach a closer union with God. This sacrament of marriage asks the couple to enter into a loving covenant with God and one another and to live faithfully as one forever.

Please contact the parish office, 945-8000, to discuss the marriage preparation process at least 9 months before the date you would like to get married.
